Overview of RISCON V2.0
Consequence analysis software provides the magnitude of consequences to life, property and environment in terms of damage distances for spills, fires, explosions and toxic dispersions.
RISCON is a consequence analysis software developed by RiskChem Academy to suit Indian conditions and environments.
RISCON v.2 Risk Analysis Software for Estimation of Consequences from Fire, Explosion & Dispersion in Industrial Units
- The software has been in use in consultancy services over the last 20 years.
- The outputs have been used by regulatory authorities and company managements for siting of new layouts, expansion projects, risk evaluation and proposing risk reduction & mitigation measures.
- The software has been licensed to the Factory Inspectorate, Tamil Nadu and several consultants
The software used in consequence analysis draws their models mainly from international safety institutions such as
- TNO Holland: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (TNO; English: Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research)
- HSE UK: Health Safety Executive, UK
- CCPS USA: Center for Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York, USA
In addition, RISCON also refers to the standards/ publications mentioned below.
- LEES, F. P. Loss Prevention in the Process Industries: 4th ed. 2012
- World Bank Publications on Industrial Safety
The modules of the RISCON software available to conduct the consequence analysis and QRA studies include
- Leak rate estimation
- Spill rate and maximum spread
- Pool fire (Tank fire and Dyke Fire)
- Dense gas dispersion
- Unconfined Vapor Cloud Explosion
RISCON has capabilities for 3D modelling as well and provision of depth and extent of damage contours in 3D Landscape